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World Pole Sport & Fitness Championship and World Pole Federation (WPF) are world leaders in high-quality Pole Fitness Instructor Training programs and National and International competitions. We have over ten years’ experience in building a global framework for Pole Fitness Studios and Instructors to operate under, to ensure safe and effective teaching at all levels.


The first World Pole Dance Championships was held in 2005 in Amsterdam, Holland. In 2009 Pole Passion hosted the World Pole Dance championships in Jamaica and aligned the competition to pole sport fitness, allowing individual choice of moves to encourage innovation in the industry and to show the individual and artistic flair of competitors.  


By doing this, the World Pole Dance Championships created a showcase to encourage pole fitness in as many countries as possible, with previous competitions in a diverse range of countries including Switzerland, UK, Romania, Hungary, and China. World Pole Dance is a strictly sport fitness championships, where other competitions have followed.


Our unique judging system is the only one to include impartial adjudicators on the judging team, as well as highly qualified and knowledgeable judges who have undergone our leading judge's training.


In 2018 World Pole Dance created the World Pole Federation, culminating in over a decade of knowledge and experience with over 38 countries, to create an umbrella organisation to promote instructor training and safe studios and instructors. The federation ensures members operate in a safe environment, with a high level of relevant knowledge and qualifications and adhering to our Code of Conduct and Code of Practice.

We continue to lead the way in the professionalisation of Pole Fitness all over the world.


World Pole Federation: Code of Conduct and Code of Practice help raise standards of practice and safer studios


Must see video!
Pole Passion Budapest Pole Retreat 2023.jpg


        自第一届钢管舞锦标赛于2005年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行以来,2009年在牙买加举行的由极点(Pole Passion)组织的世界钢管舞锦标赛上,进一步将比赛与钢管运动健身相结合,允许个人选择动作以鼓励钢管行业的创新,展现选手们的个人才华。






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